Holos logoHolos

Head into the wild, prepared

Plan your hikes with confidence. Organize your gear essentials, prioritize must-haves, and build the perfect pack for every trek.

Illustration of hikers on a path that is made up of the letters H-O-L-O-S


Create your own pack and see how much you should be packing for your next trip.

Share your packs with your others to help them prepare for their next trip.

Illustration of a pack with several items inside


Collect all your items in one place so you’ll know what you can bring with you.

Two inventory cards showing jackets along with their price and weight


Look back on your journeys to find out how much you should be packing for your next trip.

Three trip cards showing title of the trip


Save your favourite items for later, when you want to go shopping.

Four wishlist items with their title and website link.


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Donate icon showing a hand receiving a heart.